I call us to be servant leaders who WORSHIP our God and celebrate the Sacraments in union with the universal Church.
— Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, Wounded and Loved, Regathering the Scattered

Mass Schedule

saturdays- 5:30PM / SUNDAYS- 9:30AM

monday and friday daily mass- 8:00AM

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers

Students in 3rd grade and older are encouraged to get involved in Mass as Altar Servers. Training is provided and a flexible schedule is created. Interested? Need more information? Contact Joan Cunard at 570-814-6444.

Adult Funeral Servers

Adults are needed to serve at funerals throughout the year. Training is provided for this essential ministry. For more information, contact Rosemary Gawat at 570-417-3404.

Environmental/Decorating Committee

Many comment all throughout the year how beautiful our church is decorated. Interested in helping create a beautiful worship space? See the bulletin for when volunteers are needed throughout the year.

Eucharistic Ministers

Adults 18 and over are needed to help distribute Holy Communion at weekend Masses and special celebrations throughout the year. Training is provided by the Diocese of Scranton. We are in need of two ministers per Mass. For more information, contact Rosemary Gawat at 570-417-3404.


Proclaim the word of God at Mass and lead the general intercessions. Training is provided. Youth and Adult Lectors serve on a rotating basis throughout the year. For more information, contact Dominick Costantino at 570-706-6951.

Music Ministry


They should be confident and strong singers who can proclaim God’s word in song and lead the assembly. Training is provided.


Sing on a rotating basis between the Saturday 5:30PM Mass and Sunday 9:30AM Mass. In addition, the choir leads the Celebration of Christmas Concert on Epiphany Sunday, sings the National Anthem at Rail Riders Game, sings at local nursing homes, and gathers for social events throughout the year. We always have a great time together singing praise to God! For more information about joining, contact Dominick Costantino at 570-706-6951.


Sings once a month at the 9:30AM Mass. Membership is open to young adults in college through 40 years old. The repertoire includes modern contemporary Christian Music. Some parish favorites include: “Lord, I Need You”, “10,000 Reasons/Bless the Lord”, “How Great Is Our God”, “Your Grace Is Enough”, “Because He Lives”, and more! For more information about joining, contact Dominick Costantino at 570-706-6951.


Sings once a month at the 9:30AM Youth Family Mass. Membership is open to youth in Kindergarten through 8th grade. In addition to singing at Mass, they lead the Christmas Eve Program before the 4PM Mass and the Easter Program before the 9:30AM Mass. They sing the National Anthem at the Rail Riders Game and entertain residents in local Nursing Homes. All are welcome to join (even if you do not belong to the parish). Contact Dominick Costantino at 570-706-6951 for more information.


Hospitality is KEY at our parish. We want everyone to feel welcome the minute they walk through our doors. Our ushers and greeters make that dream a reality each weekend. They also take up the collection during the Offertory. Men and women are needed to serve in this crucial ministry. For more information, contact Ann Williams at 570-574-8287.