“I call us to be servant leaders who engage in SERVICE to our neighbors near and far and who work for justice and stewardship to hasten the Reign of God.”
Members gather the last Monday of the month at 5:30PM in the rectory. The Prayer Shawls they make are first blessed by Father Cirba and then delivered to homebound and sick parishioners and friends in the local community. They also make baptismal blankets, chemo hats, and more. All are welcome to attend and get involved regardless of parish membership. For more information, contact Kelly Bullock at 570-332-3904.
Nursing Home Ministry
Parishioners visit local nursing homes throughout the year. They take prizes and play BINGO with the residents, sing some songs, and spend time in conversation. Watch the bulletin for upcoming dates.
Holy Closet Ministry
Parishioners and volunteer shoppers provide students in the Hanover Area School District with a weeks worth of Back to School clothes, shoes, underwear, socks in the Fall. In November, coats/hats/gloves/scarves are bought for those in need. The ministry also helps provide clothing to fire victims, those going through difficult times, and anyone in need.
Drive-Thru pickup is held quarterly. Anyone who lives in the 18706 area can register for a free community meal. Check back for our Spring/Summer schedule.
CEO Food Pantry
Volunteers go and pack food twice a year - once in the fall for their Thanksgiving drive and once during Lent.
Next opportunity: Saturday, March 11 9AM-Noon. To signup, contact Lynn at 570-262-5269.
Special Collections
Our parish has numerous collections throughout the year: October Diaper Driver, February Food Drive, Tree of Giving for the Catherine McAuley House, Souper Bowl of Caring, monthly food items for Saint Vincent DePaul Kitchen, and more.